New Patient Forms - Each new patient will be provided with the following forms at the first appointment (though you may print and complete the Child/Adolescent History form below if you would like):
1. Consent Forms: All new patients must complete one of the following, depending on which service you are requesting: Testing/Evaluation OR Treatment – PLEASE READ THE FINANCIAL POLICY CAREFULLY!
2. Appointment Reminder Form: this allows you to choose how you will be contacted to remind you of your appointment.
3. Client History Forms: All new patients must complete one of the following depending on whether the patient is an adult or a minor: Adult History OR Child/Adolescent History
Please bring the following to your first appointment:
- A photograph of the patient – this will stay in the chart
- A photo ID for the patient or patient’s parent
- Previous psychological/educational testing (if applicable)
- Individualized education plans (if applicable)
Please note: Neither report cards nor medical records are needed at the first appointment.